Importance of Air and Vapour Barriers in Specific Interior Conditions: Observations from the Field
Presented by Guillaume Vadeboncoeur, P Eng, LEED, AP. Senior Manager, Building Science Div., WSP
March 12, 2020 | By Webmaster

Importance of Air and Vapour Barriers in Specific Interior Conditions ... Observations fro

Lightweight Insulating Concrete in Relation to Sustainable Building Design
Presented by John Rose
February 13, 2020 | By Webmaster

John Rose is the Manager for Siplast Lightweight Insulating Concrete Roof Insulation Syste

The Roles and Responsibilities for Designers in Providing Building Envelope Solutions
Presented by Taymaz Rastin & Stephanie John
January 09, 2020 | By Webmaster

Luncheon Meeting NoticeThursday, January 9th, 2020 The Roles and Responsibi